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Marking your ball on the green

During a Thursday Night League match, I ran into a strange situation that seemed worth mentioning. We were playing number 9 and all four players were on the green. I happened to be walking across the green when one player on the opposing team picked up his ball. I did not see him put down a coin or anything else to mark the ball so when I went to putt, I asked him where his ball mark was. He pointed to a small "bird turd" on the green and said "that's it". I said "seriously?" and he said yes.

When it came time for him to putt, he did so without moving the "bird turd ball mark". More on this in a minute.

The whole incident seemed strange but being somewhat unsure of the exact rule(s) that were applicable, we moved on. The match was rained out, so whether there should have been a penalty or not was inconsequential but I decided to do some research. You probably won't believe what I found.

Can't find substitution for tag [blog.ieCssRetrofitLinks][if IE]> <![endif]Rules of Golf: Marking a Ball on the Putting Green

StartFragment When marking a ball before lifting it the player should use a small coin or other similar object as a ball-marker immediately and they should place it immediately behind the ball.

Note that there is no penalty if a player uses some other object to mark their ball (e.g their putter head, a tee or a loose impediment), providing it is physically marked; it is not sufficient to use an existing mark on the ground to mark the position of a ball, Decision 20-1/16.

Rule 8-2b Indicating the line of play


When the player's ball is on the putting green, the line of putt may be indicated before, but not during, the stroke by the player, his partner or either of their caddies; in doing so the putting green must not be touched. A mark must not be placed anywhere for the purpose of indicating a line of putt.
Rule 14-3 Artificial Devices and Unusual Equipment; Abnormal Use of Equipment


Except as provided in the Rules, during a stipulated round the player must not use any artificial device or unusual equipment, or use any equipment in an abnormal manner:

a.That might assist him in making a stroke or in his play



So, when I look back at the incident I described above, my conclusion is that using a "bird turd" to mark your ball is legal but...........if he didn't remove the mark (aka. the "bird turd"), then it was a violation of the rules of golf. It took a call to GSGA to find the applicable rules shown above.

In conclusion, it is legal to use a loose impediment such as a bird turd to mark your ball. I would request however, that if you decide to use a bird turd, at least have the decency to place it behind your ball intentionally and then be committed enough to the "bird turd ball marker" to pick it up and put it in your pocket after you remove it from behind your ball before putting.

Lastly, if you use a "bird turd" for a ball mark, please do not shake my hand, pat me on the back or pick up my golf ball or clubs at any time before your have given your hands a thorough washing! Thank you.


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